About Our Project
Our project took a lot of hard work and effort. We started the project in October 2018. Our first step in the project was to choose a time period. We chose the Civil Rights Movement. Next, we had to research heroes and events that happened in the Civil Rights Movement. We found a website that interviews many people called Story Corps. After that, we noticed that Story Corps interviewed a Civil Rights Activist named Dion Diamond. The name of the interview was called "The Civil Rights Activists Whose Name You've Probably Never Heard Of". Here is a link to that interview.
That interview helped us get a lot of information. After that, we researched Dion Diamond a lot. We found three phone numbers and dialed them. The first one didn't work, but the second one said to leave a message. We said that our names are Issah, Oscar, and Whitney, and if we could have his permission to do a project on him. He said yes, and then we scheduled an interview time to ask him questions. We've spoken to him many times since then.